George’s Marvellous Medicine Day

By Kieran and Winnie Year 4

Last week Year 3 and 4 were reading  ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ by Roald Dahl. On Monday both classes had an unexpected visit from Grandma. She was barging her way through the students, looking for her grandson George. The pupils had an idea: to make her nice again.

Year 4 enjoyed reading this book in their spare time. Once they finished reading the book the classes decided to make their own medicine recipes.

Everybody made their own medicine recipe but the teachers chose one to create in each class. In Year 3 Mariame-Isla was chosen and in Year 4 Eliza was chosen.

The classes had great fun making the horrible, gruesome medicine. Year 3 & 4 put in things like: toilet water, lungs and hearts, cactus spines, dirty underwear and rats tails.

In the end Mrs Bright (the Year 3 teacher) dressed as Grandma and actually drank the medicine! Straight afterwards she turned nice. None of the children would have drank it but she did!