Our Pupils

Our pupils are our greatest testament to the education we provide. Our most recent ISI Inspection Report states:

"The personal development of the pupils is excellent, as is the quality of pastoral care. The Christian ethos permeates the life of the school and contributes greatly to the educational experience enjoyed by pupils. Pupils’ personal qualities are strongly developed through the school’s rich environment and supportive community, in which they all feel valued. The pupils are confident in themselves and self-aware. Responsibility is cheerfully accepted, and the pupils are pleased to contribute to the life of the school. The social development of the pupils is considerable, and by the time they leave it is excellent." "They display a mature level of moral understanding with a strong sense of right and wrong and they readily take responsibility for their own behaviour." ​ISI Inspection Report, December 2022

With a healthy mix of teacher input and independent learning, pupils are encouraged to express their creativity and understanding in a variety of different ways such as writing, speaking, art, music, dance, drama, sport and technology.