
The best way to find out more about our school is to come and visit us for a private tour to see our excellent curriculum in action and meet the Head Teacher. Tours are held on most week day mornings.

Make an admissions enquiry

If you are interested in booking a tour, or would like to receive more information about LCS please fill in your details using the form below and our Registrar will get back to you.

Parents who wish to apply for a place must complete and submit an enrolment form for their child along with an enrolment fee. The school accepts enrolment forms at any point in the year.

Our main intake is into our Early Reception (3 years +) and Reception (4 years +) in September. We have places in other years and at other times of the academic year. Do get in touch if you have a query.

There is a bursary fund and a number of families send their children to the school despite not being able to afford fees. The level of financial assistance is dictated by a means test.