Category: LCS blog

3,2,1… go!

As part of our computing learning in Year 1 the children are preparing to make rockets! We have been learning that sequence is one of the…

TFL Worksop

By Florence, Year 6 On Wednesday 4th of December, in the afternoon, a TfL (Transport for London) worker, called Debo, came in to give…

Rock stars

Years 3 and 4 were marvellous scientists today, testing our rock collections for their different properties. They measured drops of water…


In Maths today, Year 4 were using pentominoes to create their own, original shapes. They worked out the area and perimeter of these.  We…

Seeing in the dark?

Today in Year 2 we were asking scientific questions. We came up with some great ones like ‘What would it be like if the Sun disappeared?…