Studying the Big Bang theory
Studying the Big Bang Theory in Years 5 and 6 has been mind blowing and so we thought we would observe the expanding universe theory in…
Studying the Big Bang Theory in Years 5 and 6 has been mind blowing and so we thought we would observe the expanding universe theory in…
As part of our computing learning in Year 1 the children are preparing to make rockets! We have been learning that sequence is one of the…
By Florence, Year 6 On Wednesday 4th of December, in the afternoon, a TfL (Transport for London) worker, called Debo, came in to give…
Year 1 and 2 have been imagining what it would have been like to discover Tutankhamun’s tomb like Howard Carter. Because he died so…
John Kelly is an artist who took his inspiration from William Dobell who made paper mache sculptures of cows to camouflage airfields in…
In Year 3 we have been drawing and painting volcanoes. We used oil pastels to create our volcano and then we used paint to create the…
Years 3 and 4 were marvellous scientists today, testing our rock collections for their different properties. They measured drops of water…
In Maths today, Year 4 were using pentominoes to create their own, original shapes. They worked out the area and perimeter of these. We…
Today in Year 2 we were asking scientific questions. We came up with some great ones like ‘What would it be like if the Sun disappeared?…
Year 1 enjoyed an hour of coding fun with help from Year 5 ‘Digi Leader’ Ethaan!