News & Events

Tudor hobbies

Year 3 has been discovering what people of the Tudor Court did for fun. We tried out skittles, blackwork sewing, and the dice game…

Sticky and tricky?

Children from Jasper and Sapphire have had a busy after school club. We’ve been finding out about different animals and how they sleep….

3,2,1… go!

As part of our computing learning in Year 1 the children are preparing to make rockets! We have been learning that sequence is one of the…

TFL Worksop

By Florence, Year 6 On Wednesday 4th of December, in the afternoon, a TfL (Transport for London) worker, called Debo, came in to give…

Rock stars

Years 3 and 4 were marvellous scientists today, testing our rock collections for their different properties. They measured drops of water…