The heart of the matter
Years 5 and 6 were lucky enough to handle and dissect pigs’ hearts in science. We had an amazing time studying the veins and arteries, cutting into the heart and…
Years 5 and 6 were lucky enough to handle and dissect pigs’ hearts in science. We had an amazing time studying the veins and arteries, cutting into the heart and…
On Monday, Year 1 and 2 got a letter from the character Dave in Shirley Hughes’ Dogger. He needed some help finding his beloved toy and wondered if we had…
Year 1 and 2 have been busy in Project Afternoon! We used eco-friendly biodegradable packing peanuts to construct igloos, which we learnt about in Geography as part of our ‘Homes…
Look at our brilliant conclusions. This week in Year 1 we tested various materials to see which would be best for a roof. We only tested for one property –…
In Year 1/2 Art club we made alien spaceships. We have been reading the book ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ and were inspired to make our own. It took us two weeks…
Year 3 and 4 took their learning outside for science this week where we predicted and tested which solids would dissolve in a liquid. We were intrigued by flour which…
The digestion system is not a pretty thing as Years 5 and 6 discovered in science this week. They enacted the stages of digestion by using a plastic bag as…
In History, Year 5 has been exploring the causes of World War One. They have been putting the events leading up to the war in chronological order and seeing how…
In Art club, we have been enjoying the story, ‘Aliens Love Underpants’. We designed a pair of underpants for our alien using coloured pencils and drew an alien using oil…
The new term marked the first day of hot lunches at LCS. With the kitchen in the new hall fitted just in time, Apetito delivered the first meals. Their team…