We believe that the active partnership between the school and parents is very important to a child’s education. Below are some of the ways in which we facilitate this.
Follow these links for further information on the Parent Body and How to Get Involved.
There are a number of points during the year in which we gather as a school community. These include:
The Head’s Drinks early in the academic year – an opportunity for parents to meet staff and Governors.
Meet the Teacher mornings – a chance to meet your child’s teacher, see the classroom and find out about routines and expectations.
The Christmas Market – parents, staff and pupils take over the school for a day of fundraising Christmas fun.
The Christmas performances – the story of the nativity charmingly sung and acted.
The Music Showcase in the Spring term – a wonderful display of musical talent.
The Art Exhibition – our very own art gallery.
The Celebration Assembly – ending the academic year with a celebration of what we value.
Communication about your child’s learning
Formal written reports are sent home at the end of each term in Years 1 to 6 and at the end of the year in Early Years.
Parent teacher meetings are held twice a year.
Parent workshops are run by our staff and are a helpful resource to educate and advise on how you can assist your children with their learning and development. These will be advertised in the weekly class newsletter and you can sign up to them by registering your interest with the school office. Topics for workshops include Online Safety, phonics, maths and secondary schools.
Regular Communication
A weekly class newsletter is emailed each Monday during term time. This sets out important news about events that have taken place, events coming up, what your child will be learning in the week to come, details of school trips, photos of award winners in assemblies and other celebrations of success.
A parent communication book is issued to each pupil to go home daily.
The Parent Portal on the website contains up-to-date information, useful links and resources.
An electronic parent suggestion box has been set up for you to contribute ideas for the school and our community by email. We are particularly keen to hear about any ideas you may have in regard to promoting our school in the local area.
Parent or teacher initiated discussions can be held at any time through the school year.
The Parent Body meets with the headteacher once each term to represent parents’ views and issues. Need to make this spelling consistent.
There are a variety of ways to get involved with your child’s learning from going on trips to giving a talk to your child’s class.
Class teachers welcome your initiative to meet, to ensure that there is good communication and transfer of useful information about day-to-day occurrences. Please make a note in your child’s communication book when you have any comments, concerns or useful information.