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Cycle Confident Week

Last week Year 6 completed a cycle skills workshop with Cycle Confident. Here’s what they have to say about it:

"I learnt how to indicate"; Lidia

"I felt I really improved and I had so much fun"; Gabriel

"When you are cycling on the roads you should stay a car door and a bit away from the cars in case they open their doors"; Sofia

"When you are turning a corner, you should always look behind you!"; Alice

"We practised what you should do when you see a give way sign and showed we could do it on our own"; Sarah

"The instructors really thought out what they were going to teach us and planned carefully where we should go"; Jack

"I really enjoyed doing a mixture of cycling in pairs and by ourselves"; Willow

"The instructors were really encouraging when we found things challenging"; Samuel

"We learnt how to do a U-Turn"; Theo

"I enjoyed cycling together with people from my class"; Eloise

"We learnt the ABCD of what to check when we were cycling which means: Air, Brakes, Chain, Direction (of handlebars)"; Mihajlo


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