Excellent pastoral care underpins our teaching and all of school life. It is essential to confident and joyful learning. We are a small school in which the children are known and cared for as individuals.
The Deputy Head oversees and plays a central role in pastoral care at LCS. Here are some of the ways in which we ensure that we look after individuals well.
PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) lessons with the class teacher each week.
Pupil voice is heard through the School Council which surveys pupils on matters such as bullying as well as organising theme days in which all the children can express something of their culture, heritage, creativity and interests.
The children are given regular formal opportunities to feed back their views and feelings about areas such as playtimes, friendships, feeling safe and what they love most about school.
Each class from Years 1 to 6 has a “worry box” in which the children are encouraged to express (anonymously if they wish), things that are troubling them.
Parents know their children well, and we keep lines of communication open with parents and know how important it is to work in partnership in the pastoral care of each child.